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Do The Job

August 22, 2014 by Arch Stanton

Life Lesson With Frank: “Do the job. Like a 9 to 5 stockbroker working in the pit on Wall Street… ‘cept my job may be less bloody at times.”  Whether you’re one-handing an M-16 in the jungles of Vietnam, or cleaning up the trash from someone else’s party, there’s two kinds of people out there, Those Who Do The Job, and Those Who Bitch.  When you’re the hardest worker on the block, you don’t call out “lazy people”, they’re just called “everyone else”.

From "Punisher Invades The 'Nam" with Don Lomax (W), Alberto Saichann (A), Steve Dutro (L), and John Kalisz (C)

From “Punisher Invades The ‘Nam” with Don Lomax (W), Alberto Saichann (A), Steve Dutro (L), and John Kalisz (C)

1 Comment »

  1. Mac says:

    One of the worst Nam issues and a crappy background story to Frank’s time in Vietnam. It wouldn’t be until Born that we got a much better look at it.

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